-Getting Ready to Learn-

Date : 16 October 2020
Media Platform : Cisco Webex Meeting
By : Sir Zulhafizul Othman

-Life at School 😇
Your time is structured by others.Limits are set by teachers,parents, and other adults
> High school is mandatory and usually free
> Teachers approach you if they believe you are falling behind

-Life at College 😆
> You have your own time management to manage your freedom
> Collage is optional and you have to pay it
> If you need assistance,you should initiate contact with your lecturer and tutor

There are so many differences between school and college that student need to adapt with the university life 👆 

There are 3 style of learning which are 👇👇

Based on the test that sir had gave to us to answer, i can conclude that my style of learning consist about mainly 60% on visual ,30% on kinesthetic and 10% on auditory.   

That's all from me,thank you and see you next chapter 😉😉 
