Topic 2 : Goal Setting         

Date: 30 October 2020
Media Platform: Webex Cisco Meeting
Conducted by: Ts Zulhafizal Othman 

What is Goal?
~Goals are the ends toward which we direct our effort
~In the others word,goal are things we want to achieve

goal is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envision, plan and commit to achieve. People endeavour to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines.

The 5 steps to approach  the Life Goals

Step 1: Write Down what you want to accomplish 💗💖

You need to know what I want to do with my life then live by it. It’s may be hard at first but trust me you not gonna regret it later. For me by the time I received my offer email from UiTM I started to set my goals that I wanted to work my ass off every semester to get good grades for my parents as a return for all the comforts and loves that they have given me unconditionally.

Step 2 : Write Down any Obstacles💦💦

You need to know what obstacles that you have to go throughout your diploma year. As for me, someone who never being a way from home and my family it was one of my hardest challenge. Besides I’m such a crybaby and get stressed easily so i tend to always procrastinate a lot. One of the obstacles also is I didn’t came from a established financial family so when it comes to assignment that have to use a laptop or gadgets than I have a problem with that.

Step 3 : Write Down any resources available to you😍😍

You need to find a way on how to settle your own problems from now especially while you’re away from your family. Besides you can’t always depends on your family and friends to figure out what to do for your life. As for me one of the resource that I have is I can use the library computer to do my assignment. Besides if I miss my parents and siblings I just can voice call or video call them instead. And about the procrastinate I just somehow have to get over it and start do stuff as soon as possible it may be hard at first but I know it’s going to be worth it later.

Step 4 : Review and revise your tentative goal statement 💪😇

Don’t just make your goal but not adapt it in your life. What’s the point of having one anyway right? So you need to always hold onto your goals. Keep on review it in your daily basis and revised it in your life. They are your life goals for a reasons anyway right?

Step 5 : Polish your goal statement 😎😚

After you’re done with setting up your goals obviously you need to refine it. If not what’s the point on having it anyway right? So don’t be too lazy , get up and get it done.

Here’s some examples for you to make your goals in more creative way. Besides, you can write down your goals as creative as you can such as in mind maps, calendar, write it down using colourful pens or many more because creativity has no limits.👇
