Everyone know that ‘ Time is Gold ‘ . But why is it so valuable? Time is considered a valuable because when we have time, we are capable of doing and having what we desire. Time gives us the liberty to do what we want and enjoy life. On the opposite side lack of time can creates stress and unhappiness in our life.


Based on Wikipedia in Nouns time is the indefinited continued progress of existense and events in the past, present and future. In Verb , time is plan, schedule or arrange when (something) should happen or be done. Definition of time managemant is the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively special at work.

The importance of time

5 Strategies To Develop A Successful Study Systems

  • Use a weekly schedule

You need to write down what you need to do next week, what plans do you have next week so you wont missed out and forget about it.

  • Use a daily planner

You also need to write down what you’re going to do that day. Sort it out by hours such as at 8 am you need to attend English class then at 5 pm you have your free time so can go for a walk to release your stress or just relax. After that at 9 pm you need to study and revise what you have learned on that day or just study and finish your assignment if you have one.

  • Use a semester calendar
As a student semester calendar is very important for you so you wont forget when is the important date such as your exam date and others. Besides you can also use this calendar to know when you can have fun and when you need to be serious for your studies.

  • Balance out academic with socials and personal demands

Like I said before, you should know when to have fun and when is the time you need to be serious. Otherwise, you will be difficult to arrange your time properly and you will ended will looking like a mess.

  • Avoid procrastination

This is one of the hardest things to do but try to avoid is as much as you can because there’s no used of doing this anyway.


What is procrastination? Procrastination is the act of putting off intentionally the doing of something that should be done. It’s also a behaviour that you tend to postpone, delay your work and activity that actually that should be done as soon as possible.

Reasons Why People Procasinate

  1. Being a perfectionist
  2. Avoid failure
  3. Avoid success
  4. Being rebellious
  5. Felling
  6. Being lazy

The Remedy for Procrastination

  1. Know what you should accomplish
  2. Determine when is the dateline
  3. Use a schedules/planners/calenders
  4. Prioritise (you can make a prioritise task list of things to do)
