Date ; 13 /11/2020
Media Platform ; Cisco Webex Meeting
By ; Puan Siti Hawa Rosli

The Learning Pyramid

Based on this pyramids, students will able to get only 5% of understanding from the lectures, 10% by reading, 20% by the audiovisual and 30% from the demonstration.  So, if students wants to gain more understanding about what have you learn, my suggestions would be you need to form a group to discuss the topic you have learn with your friends. By doing this they can exchange the information about the topics with each other. Besides by doing a discussion within a group, you will get 50% of understanding. Moreover, you also can do the simulations (practice by doing) about the topics you have learn and by doing this will get 75% of understanding. Furthermore, students can also teaching their friends of the topics that they understand and what their friends don’t. By doing this is actually you will understand the topics more better and even you somehow will memories it. Don’t be so selfish and stingy to share our knowledge and information with others it cost you nothing by sharing anyway.

Memory Strategies

Memory strategy is very important because it will help students in their encoding, storing and retrieving the information (help to remember and recall).

3 Difference Type Of Memory

  • Sensory Memory (SM) -> Remember something by using memory.
  • Short-term Memory (STM) -> Remember something just for 30sec to 24 hours.
  • Long-term Memory (LTM) -> Remember something for long time.

How To Improvise Your Memory Strategies

  • Manage your time wisely

To become a successful student you need to manage your time wisely so you determine when to study so you won’t forget what you’ve learned.

  • Repeat your information many times

If you repeat the information or what you’ve learned many time soon it will be stuck in your long term memory and that is a good thing.

  • Elaborations strategies- association, acronyms and imagery

Acronyms= Student can use this strategies by taking the keywords from your notes and make it easy to remember. For examples for acronyms is UiTM- University Technology Mara, KLIA- Kuala Lumpur International Airport. By doing such things it will help student to remember more the keywords.

  • Organise the material

Organise your notes or hands out by subjects so it won’t get mixed with different subjects and you won’t be confused.

  • Comprehension monitoring your strategies

You need to monitor your strategies by how are you doing in class and in exam. For examples on the firsts semester you get GPA of 3.2 then if you think your strategies was wrong, try to change it. Im not saying you need to change 100% but try to adapt different types of strategies if you need to.

How Forgetting Could Occur

  • Lack of concentration in the class
  • Did not pay attention to the information given
  • Did not understand the information
  • Cramping (last minute study)
  • Did not have good strategies
  • Interferences
  • Test anxiety (negatives thoughts about oneself, didn’t prepare for the upcoming test)


Concentration is focused in whatever that you are doing and not day dreaming.

Causes Of Poor Concentration

  1. Lack of attention
  2. Lack of interest
  3. Lack of motivation
  4. Easy to be distracted
  5. Distraction from others
  6. Uncomfortable environment
  7. Physiological mutters- illness, tiredness
  8. Physiological mutters- personal problems, worries, over thinking, anxiety, depressed

Strategies To Improve Your Concentration

  • Use motivational and organisational strategies

You need to slowly create an inters in whatever you’re studying or doing. You also have to develop a positive vibes towards your work nor assignment and don’t procrastinate.

  • Create a positive learning management

Go to places that you can comfortably study such as at the library or being on your own in your bed room or even at cafes if you’re fine with the surroundings as long as it won’t distract you from doing your work or your studies.

  • Deal with internal distractions

If you have personal problems, friend issues don’t let it be one of the factors that going to bring you down. Besides make it as an healthy competition to inspire you to becomes a better person. Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.

  • Monitor your concentration

Never let people get into that beautiful mind of your and manipulate it to bring you down. Never let people distract you and get into your ways.
