Topic 6 ; Taking Lecture Note 

Date ; 20 /11/2020
Media Platform ; Cisco Webex Meeting
By ; Puan Siti Hawa Rosli

Why Take Lecture Notes

  • Promote active learning
  • Provides an accurate record of information
  • Provides an opportunity to interpret, condense and organise information
  • Provides an opportunity for repetition

How To Take Lecture Notes

  • Prepare before taking notes

For examples you can read you textbook before class so you will know what you’re going to study in class later and also you will know what the lecture is about. Besides you will be familiar with the key terms relates to the topic and also identify main ideas of the lecture and organize notes easier.

  • Get ready to take notes as walk into the classroom

If you take notes by hand, bring extra pens or pencils and paper. Also you need to have a notebook for each and every subjects that you have separately. So your notes won’t be messy and get mix up with others subjects.

  • Sitting in front of the classroom

There’s pros and cons of sitting in front of the class, the pros is you can see the slides show or the notes that had been wrote down clearly. Besides I find it is easier to understand if you sit in front because one of the reasons is you won’t be distracted by your friends. It’s also easier for the lecturer to conduct you with something that you don’t understand. But of course the cons is you going to be one of the lecturer target if they want to ask questions about anything especially what you’re learning. But actually the good thing is you will remember the question that’s been asked.

  • Become an active listener

In order to for you to take better notes, you need to be an active listener.This means that you don’t just record what is being said by the lecturer but instead, you should engage with the material and determine the essential elements of what is being said. If you just wrote down what’s on the slideshow or on the whiteboard you might not understand or didn’t know how to explain the details of the notes.

  • Find motivated friend for sit in the first rows of class

If your best friends don’t want to sit in front of the class with you let them be. You can always make a new friends anyway. It’s not like you left your friends forever but just in the classroom the place where you need to 100% focus if you don’t want to fail the subjects. Choose your friends wisely don’t let them drag you to do bad thing such as influences you to sleep or talking in class while the lecturer is talking in front.

  • Review the notes while waiting for the class to begin

You need to do this because who know the topic that you’re going to learn next going be related with the last topic. So if you remember what you’ve learned you will probably won’t be lost. Moreover, some lecture like to do a surprise quiz so what if that quiz can effect your CGPA? It’s better to be prepared it cost you nothing anyway besides your future self will thank you later trust me.

What To Include In Your Notes


  • Heading

At the heading section which is on the first section based on the image above, you can write down the main point or the topic of the notes.

  • Details

You need to wrote down the details of your notes that have been discussed in the class. By doing this you can revised what have been thought and you can easily understand the points on the topic. You can write this on the third section based on the image above. The details that you can write down in that section such as


-example on the details


-anything that been written on the board or in the power point

-drawing charts that can make you understand better

  • Discussion questions

On the second section you can write down questions that have been discussed in the class. Because sometimes some lecturer tends to always ask questions that they going to put in on the test paper so it’s good for you to keep it. Who know it will be an advantage to you.
